Advanced Threat Protection

Advanced Threat Protection

Domain Fraud Protection

Domain Fraud Protection

Account Takeover Protection

Prevent, detect, and remediate account takeover.
Availability: In stock

Protect against internal and external attacks.
Corporate account takeover presents a significant new threat to businesses. Hackers gain access to corporate email accounts through stolen credentials and use them to launch subsequent targeted attacks, internally and against external targets. Account takeover or attacks that originate from these accounts are almost impossible to detect since they don’t leverage impersonation techniques — they come from a legitimate account and appear to be from a trusted source. In fact, traditional email security solutions don’t even observe internal traffic and have no way of stopping an attack originating internally.

Prevent loss of credentials and account takeover.
Barracuda detects both account takeover attempts and attacks launched from compromised accounts.

Detect account takeover in progress and alert IT.
Once an email account is compromised and hackers are inside the organization, they can start moving laterally, looking to compromise more valuable accounts.

Remediate account takeover and remove malicious email messages.
Account takeover can be devastating for organizations and must be remediated quickly once identified. 

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