Darktrace Enterprise Immune System

Darktrace Enterprise Immune System

Darktrace Cyber AI Analyst

Darktrace Cyber AI Analyst

Darktrace Industrial Immune System

Powered by Cyber AI, the Industrial Immune System is a self-learning technology that detects cyber-threats and vulnerabilities in industrial environments.
Availability: In stock

Deep Coverage at Scale
by monitoring network traffic, the Industrial Immune System has direct visibility into and provides selflearning protection across everything from Basic Process (Purdue Model Level 1) through supervisory functions, business logistics and enterprise networks (Levels 4 & 5) and beyond into cloud networks and SaaS services.Connecting new devices to industrial networks is never straightforward and routine, as for many applications even the slightest interruption in service can be damaging.Powered by AI, the Industrial Immune System protects your industrial environment from threats and vulnerabilities of all types, and adapts automatically to your specific networks.
Through its intuitive Threat Visualizer interface, Darktrace gives security teams an instant overview of their diverse digital infrastructure, including every user, device, and controller in the network. This enables operators to proactively investigate cyber-threats and specific areas of the ICS.


Catch today’s attackers — and tomorrow’s

Powered by self-learning Cyber AI, the Industrial Immune System identifies both fast-moving and stealthy threats in real time — regardless of whether they have been seen before.

Protecting ICS environments globally

From major manufacturing plants to power stations, transportation grids, and all other forms of critical national infrastructure, the Industrial Immune System delivers autonomous protection.

Automated investigations

With Cyber AI Analyst, Darktrace stitches together disparate threat alerts across the digital infrastructure into a single security incident, automating the threat investigation process. It also generates natural-language reports suitable for executive review, helping to bridge the skills gap between OT and IT.

Asset management

Darktrace automatically generates a database of all devices in OT and cyber-physical environments. It identifies assets such as PLC, SCADA, HMI, IIoT, and other bespoke technologies.

OT Engineer Dashboard

Intuitive and easy-to-use, the OT Engineer Dashboard surfaces only the most operationally relevant alerts.

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