Deep Security Software

Deep Security Software

Attack Surface Risk Management

Featuring the most robust attack surface management capabilities encompassing cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments, Trend Vision One – Attack Surface Risk Management (ASRM) combines continuous attack surface discovery, real-time risk assessments and prioritization, and automated mitigation actions to dramatically reduce your risk exposure
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Featuring the most robust attack surface management capabilities encompassing cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments, Trend Vision One – Attack Surface Risk Management (ASRM) combines continuous attack surface discovery, real-time risk assessments and prioritization, and automated mitigation actions to dramatically reduce your risk exposure


Features And Benefits

Unprecedented attack surface visibility

Eliminate blind spots and reduce the attack surface with cutting-edge internal and external continuous asset discovery. Pinpoint users, internet-facing domains, IPs, cloud apps, cloud storage, containers, and workloads across internet-facing and internal corporate networks.

Real-time risk assessments

Leverage continuous real-time risk assessments to focus analyst efforts, prioritizing remediation actions with custom recommendations.

Proactive remediation

Automate, orchestrate, and accelerate response actions to mitigate risk and respond to threats using advanced AI and ML technologies.

Optimal compliance

Manage compliance at scale in the cloud. Benefit from continuous scans against compliance and industry standards in your cloud infrastructure and immediately

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