Watchguard Total Identity Security

Watchguard Total Identity Security

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WatchGuard Advanced Reporting Tool

Watchguard AuthPoint Mobile App

AuthPoint implements multi-factor authentication (MFA) using the AuthPoint app.
Availability: In stock

AuthPoint implements multi-factor authentication (MFA) using the AuthPoint app. Any external login attempt creates a secure push notification to the user’s smartphone – showing who and from where someone is trying to authenticate. When this message is part of his/her own login process, they simply accept and quickly gain access to the authorized network resources and Cloud apps. When not, then the authorization attempt is rejected, causing criminals to be blocked from gaining access – even when they are using the correct credentials


Features And Benefits

Convenient and Easy

No need to carry keyfobs or thumb drives; instead use the device that’s always at hand…your smartphone. Download the AuthPoint app for free from Apple’s AppStore or Google Play and activate in seconds, and then use it to authenticate from wherever you are.

The Power of Push

MFA using Push or QR code is a superior approach over one-time passwords (OTPs), which can be captured before the legitimate owner has the chance to use it. Also, approving or rejecting a push authentication message is quick and simple, without needing to recall and enter a numeric code.

Offline? No Problem!

In situations where the user has no data connection from the phone, such as when on an airplane, then they can use the same AuthPoint mobile app to authenticate. Just read the QR code presented on the computer screen, and only the user with the right AuthPoint app can read it and access protected resources.

Multi-Token Support

WatchGuard’s AuthPoint app allows users to store additional authenticators, allowing greater functionality and value from the single app and creating an incentive to comply with authentication practices.

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