Mobile Network Security

Mobile Network Security

Watchguard Panda Systems Management

Watchguard Panda Systems Management

Watchguard Panda Patch Management

Complete your endpoint security solution with a wide range of IT & endpoint security operations products and modules that will allow you to minimize the attack surface and reduce risk of incidents.
Availability: In stock

Taking care of the needs of its clients, and responding to overall market trends, Panda Security presents Panda Patch Management, a solution to manage vulnerabilities and their corresponding updates and patches, both for systems and for hundreds of applications.


Features And Benefits

• Single-panel view with real-time information of all vulnerable

computers, pending patches and unsupported (EOL3
) software, with their remediation status.

• Unattended scanning for pending updates, in real time or at periodic intervals (3, 6, 12 or 24 hours).

• Notification of pending patches in exploit detections. Ability to launch installations immediately or schedule them from the console, isolating the computer if required.

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